Poop #118. ZenPoo dazzles the Poop Premiere! stink with style and scent💩

Poo (Team Poop)
1 min readApr 30, 2024


Poop #118. ZenPoo

In the glitzy world of Poopiverse, ZenPoo was not just any ordinary poop; she was a strategizing human computer, known for her dazzling intellect and Zendaya-inspired glam. Tonight was the grand Poop Premiere, and the stakes were high as ZenPoo was set to strut down the red carpet, where the notorious Stink Bomber planned to unleash a wave of foul odors.

As the lights brightened and cameras flashed, ZenPoo calculated her moves with precision. Adorned in her sparkling gown, she deployed her secret weapon: a trail of perfume-infused rose petals discreetly mixed within her path, courtesy of her favorite Zendaya fragrance. As she sashayed elegantly, the scent overpowered the stink bombs, turning gasps of disgust into sighs of delight.

By the time she reached the paparazzi, ZenPoo had not only neutralized the stink but had also left everyone mesmerized, proving that even in the world of poop, a sharp mind and a bit of style could overcome any challenge. Triumph was hers, all with a signature scent and a smile.

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Poo (Team Poop)

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