Poop #141.Lady Poopington waltzes to victory at the Grand Ball using her unique ‘scented’ strategy!

Poo (Team Poop)
1 min readMay 24, 2024


Poop #141.Lady Poopington

Lady Poopington, the toast of Regency society, was faced with her greatest challenge yet: the Grand Ball. The Duke of Dumpingham had announced a dance-off, and Lady Poopington was determined to win. Her opponents, with their pristine manners and polished steps, underestimated her.

As the orchestra played, Lady Poopington strategically released her secret weapon: a subtle yet distinct odor. The competitors faltered, their elegant footwork disrupted by wrinkled noses and watery eyes. Lady Poopington, however, moved with grace, her gown flowing and fan fluttering, completely unbothered by her own aroma.

The judges, amused and impressed by her resilience and clever tactics, couldn’t help but award her the victory. The Duke of Dumpingham, holding his breath, declared Lady Poopington the winner. Amidst applause (and some suppressed gags), she curtsied gracefully, proving that in the world of Bridgerton, wit and a strategic stink could lead to triumph.

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