Poop #49 Sonic Stool. This 💩 had a Speedy Solution

Poo (Team Poop)
1 min readFeb 19, 2024


Poop #49. Sonic Stool

In the quirky town of Flushville, Sonic Stool was known as the quickest poop around, zipping everywhere with an energy drink in hand. One day, Flushville faced a stinky situation: the Annual Cake Eating Contest had left everyone, well, a bit “backed up.” The town’s plumbing was on the brink of disaster!

Enter Sonic Stool, with a can of his trusty energy drink and a plan. He zipped to the town’s main water tank and poured his entire energy drink stash into it. The caffeinated concoction worked like magic, boosting the town’s digestion in record time.

As the townsfolk experienced the most energetic and, uh, efficient bathroom trips of their lives, Sonic Stool zoomed from house to house, unclogging pipes with his super-speed. The day was saved, and Flushville hailed Sonic Stool as a hero — the fastest flusher in the west! His secret? A blend of speed, caffeine, and a willingness to dive into the messiest of problems!

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Poo (Team Poop)

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