Poop #80. The Great Bowel Detective Mystery of the Missing Toilet Paper 💩 Rolls
The Great Bowel Detective, known in the underbelly of Comode City as “Gassy Gary,” faced his smelliest case yet: The Mystery of the Missing Toilet Paper Rolls. With his uncanny ability to sniff out trouble (and other things), Gary set off, leaving no stone unturned and no bathroom unvisited.
Tracking the scent of lemon-scented air freshener, Gary found himself at the hideout of the notorious TP Twister, a villain notorious for leaving restrooms barren. With a cunning plan and a belly full of beans, Gary prepared for a showdown. As the TP Twister boasted about his next heist, Gary unleashed his most potent weapon: a gaseous cloud so powerful it sent the Twister reeling, dropping the stolen goods.
Amidst the chaos, Gary swiped the toilet paper, solving the case and clearing the air, quite literally. The city hailed The Great Bowel Detective as a hero, proving once again that when it comes to solving potty mysteries, a sharp mind and a strong stomach prevail.
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